Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015 and General Conference

My sister, Lauren, took some beautiful Easter photos of Eliza and her cousins before we parted a couple days ago.
So here's Eliza...

And here's Becca, Logan, and Loralee.

Eliza's second Easter was just perfect! We started the holiday out with watching the Easter video "He lives- Celebrate Easter Because Jesus Christ lives" and reading the last chapters of Luke and John.

Then, Kenny and I presented Eliza with her Easter basket. She excitedly took everything out, including the plastic grass.

Kenny filled and hid the plastic Easter eggs. Eliza loved finding them and shaking them. She did this for at least forty-five minutes.

She loved the eggs even more when she discovered that there was candy inside of them. (And for those who wondered or cared, I did let the cat back in.)

Her bottle of bubbles from the Easter Bunny was her favorite gift.

While baby was napping, Kenny and I colored eggs. Don't our eggs look like planets or something?

Later, I printed an Easter-themed coloring page for Eliza to color during Conference. For the first time, she did not attempt to eat the crayons. She came over when her picture was finished and I reached for it, but she ripped it away and handed it to Kenny. It was for Dada. It was pretty cute.

This is what I came up with for Easter dinner.

Eliza liked it so much that she threw it on the floor!

I loved savoring the knowledge of Christ being risen and listening to inspiring words from prophets both in the same day.
Some of my favorite quotes from Conference that spoke to me were...
"Because of Him, we need not fear."
"Faith can reach beyond reason."
"Average is the enemy of excellence."

And I loved the question posed:
"How can I more clearly see the hand of God in my life?"

Watch the full sessions here.

Have a beautiful day!

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