Saturday, February 27, 2016

Minimalist Easter Decor

In preparation for this Easter season, I have been reading the first four gospels with my old New Testament student manual. I have felt humbled and admonished as truths are reaffirmed in my heart and my gospel knowledge has expanded. Even more, I am grateful for the visible changes in my life (peace, love, confidence, patience) from just acknowledging and believing these truths. I know that living these truths will have an even stronger impact on my daily life as well as shape who I am becoming.
I am so happy that
We have the beatitudes to give us a "constitution for a perfect life." Have gratitude, godly sorrow, self-mastery, hunger and thirst for righteousness, see goodness in everyone, show mercy, be a peacemaker, and stand for truth.
We have Jesus Christ as our "Bread of Life" and know that he suffered because he loves us. The sins we do today contributed to his suffering, but he still loves us so much.
We have called leaders as messengers of Jesus Christ and receive inspired words that they relay from our Savior.

I want to keep this Easter season simple and focused on Jesus Christ. These phrases written with script fonts make the phrases feel real and personable for me, like the Savior is truly saying, "Woman, why weepest thou?" And asking me to "Come, follow me (him)."
I am loving the prints around my home with the Easter-egg, pastel-colored cardstock in the natural wood frame.
I would like to offer the PDFs to these prints free to spread some Easter cheer. Comment below or on Facebook with your email for the attachment(s).

Remember Him this season and Happy Easter!

("Woman, why weepest thou" option 2)

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentine's Day

From making valentines and going to a party to sharing conversation hearts, this Valentine's season has been special with my littlest love. I am amazed at the capacity of love that this (small in body, large in heart) angel can hold. She shows her love and concern through sharing toys and food with Tesla, Mommy, and Daddy. If she hears us cough or if we look tired to her, she immediately asks if we are "okay." Truly, love is not fully understood until shared with a small friend. I love her and I am so glad to be with her always.

(Thank you Mckenna Rose Photography for the beautiful photos!!)

Happy Valentine's Day!